2 pm
Material for Dressing Rooms Opening Programme: Re. the Dressing Room Opening on May 1st. We are putting together a small programme for same. It will concentrate on the period April ’05 (when we published the last programme for the then pitch opening) and the present. If anyone has photographs of teams and so on, since then, I’d appreciate same. Just put your ownership name on them and give to me or Conor Tivnan. They will of course be returned immediately post publication. Also we again hope to have a picture of all current teams and managements. So I’d ask managers to arrange same. Let me know when their team is in Boyle or bring my camera to an away fixture. With these teams I’d appreciate if they included the management and full panel.
Also if anyone has Annual Secretaries/Chairperson/Treasurer Reports (Senior & Minor), for any past years, you could pass them on or a copy. We will try and keep those for the record or when someone does an extensive history of the club. Thanking you T.C.
The U 14 Feile team play St. Aidan’s this Wed. evening in the park. Don’t forget the very important O’Rourke Cup game on Good Friday v Pearses.
Material for Dressing Rooms Opening Programme: Re. the Dressing Room Opening on May 1st. We are putting together a small programme for same. It will concentrate on the period April ’05 (when we published the last programme for the then pitch opening) and the present. If anyone has photographs of teams and so on, since then, I’d appreciate same. Just put your ownership name on them and give to me or Conor Tivnan. They will of course be returned immediately post publication. Also we again hope to have a picture of all current teams and managements. So I’d ask managers to arrange same. Let me know when their team is in Boyle or bring my camera to an away fixture. With these teams I’d appreciate if they included the management and full panel.
Also if anyone has Annual Secretaries/Chairperson/Treasurer Reports (Senior & Minor), for any past years, you could pass them on or a copy. We will try and keep those for the record or when someone does an extensive history of the club. Thanking you T.C.
The U 14 Feile team play St. Aidan’s this Wed. evening in the park. Don’t forget the very important O’Rourke Cup game on Good Friday v Pearses.