Boyle GAA Club President, John Joe Nerney with one ot the two Vice-Presidents, Barry Feely. The other Vice-President is Paddy McDermott.
At Boyle GAA AGM. Back: Tomas Halligan, Leonard Sutton. Front: John Joe Nerney and Ernie Keenan.
The following
officers were elected at the Boyle Senior (Mens) Club's recent AGM;-
President;-John Joe Nerney, Vice Presidents-Barry Feely and Paddy McDermott,
Chairperson-Aidan Lavin, Vice Chairperson-Martin Dolan, Secretary-Kathleen
Hanmore, Assistant Secretary-deferred until next Club meeting, Treasurer-Mary
Smith, Asst Treasurer-deferred, Insurance Officer-Michael Furey, P.R.Os-Martin
Dolan and Tony Conboy, Registrar-Brian Supple, ASAP Officer-Jan Flanagan,
Coaching Officer-Gerry Cregg, County Board Delegates-Mary Clifford and
Martin Dolan (alternatives Tony Conboy and John Kelly), North West Board Delegates-Michael Brennan and
Paul Beirne, Player Reps.
to Senior Executive-Ciaran Supple, David Casey and Sean Purcell, Senior
Management; David O'Connor, with Bernard Shannon, Aaron O'Connor, Barry Greaney
and Peter Carney (Trainer).,U21-David Casey.
Minor Club
The Minor Club held
an excellently attended AGM in the Clubroom on Sunday. The outgoing
Chairperson, Gerry Cregg paid tribute to all who contributed to the promotion
of Gaelic Games in the Club in 2012. He highlighted success of the minor team
in reaching another Division 1 County Final. He stressed that although they
didn't win the final, they lost out after a replay to an exceptional
Strokestown team. He also referred to the sad passing of minor player Eoin
Lavin. He paid fullsome ttribute to Eoin and he expressed his sympathy and that
of the Minor Club to Aidan, Trudy and Vicky. A minute's silence was observed in
Eoin's memory.Gerry paid tribute to National Automation Limited for generous
sponsorship of the minor team and well as being sponsor of the U21 team. He thanked all others who
had provided financial support, including those who contributed to the church
gate collection. He also thanked the many parents of the various underage panels
who provided transport to the various games, and because of their willingness
and availability it was never necessary to hire transport. The outgoing
Treasurer Mary Halligan provided a detailed report on the Club's finances. She
highlighted the ever increasing cost of running the club and the ongoing drop
in registration fee income. The Registrar Mary Clifford highlighted the
difficulties associated with collection of registration and it was agreed that
there would be greater co-ordinatIon with team managers re this matter in the coming year. It
was agreed that there would be enhanced efforts made in 2013 to ensure that all
players are registered before being permitted to participate in Club
activities. Details of officers and team management elections will be published
next week.
Martin Dolan P.R.O.
Awards Record:
For 2011…… after the Quiz, Dec. 28th 2011 ……Christopher O’Connor (Hall of Fame); Clubperson of the year = Ml. Gilmartin. Tadgh Lowe (U 21), Jim Suffin (Jnr.), Intermediate Player = Sean Purcell. (Source = D)
For 2010…..Sat. March 19th, 2011 in the Clubroom ……Hall of Fame = Pat Clarke; Club Person of the Year = Bernie Shannon; Int./Snr. Player of year = Aaron O’Connor. U 21 = Ml. O’Donnell (Source = D.) Jnr. ?
For 2009 .....Sun. May 1st, 2010..In The Royal…. Hall of Fame = Martin Purcell. Club Person of Year = Mary Clifford. Intermediate Player of Year = Tomas McGarty. Jnr. Player = Donal Kelly. U 21 Player = Kyle McLoughlin. Night of the new dressing room opening. Gerry O'Malley the Guest of Honour.
For 2008… Feb. 7th..2009 ...the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the GAA. It was a Buffet in the Hall with a one man band. Hall of Fame = Kevin Young. Club Person of the Year = Kathleen Hanmore. Intermediate looks a share between David Casey and Damien Keenehan; Jnr. Pl. of Year Johnny Lyons; U 21 = Darren O'Connor. (source = a dinner dance file).
For 2007….June 27th 2008 in The Royal Hotel…… Clubman of the Year = Pat Goldrick (Feile ’07); Hall of Fame = Ml. Brennan; Player of Year = Mark O’Donohoe.
For 2006…. Jan. 6 the Dinner Dance was in The Bush with Dermot Earley as guest. I have the list of ‘winners’ from that night. Hall of Fame = Tony Conboy. Clubman of the Year = Aidan Lavin. Snr. Player = Rory O’Donohoe. Jnr. Pl. = Tomas McGarty. U 21 Player = Sean Purcell. (Chair. Martin Purcell)
For 2005….Jan. 14th …. Hall of Fame = Sean Young (presented by Chair. Martin Purcell). Club person of Year = Ml. Costello (supervising the field re-development. Presented by Co. Chair. Ml. McGuire). Intermediate Player of Year (H.J.Feely Cup presented by Veronica O’Connor) Seamus Gallagher. Junior Pl.= Cathal Horan. (Jnr. Medals presented by Willie Hegarty. Intermediate medals presented by John Murphy, donor of €1m to Co. Bd.). The band La Bamba! (Chair. Martin Purcell). (Source = M.C. Prog. of the night).