Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1. Commiserations to St. Joseph's Boys School who were defeated in the Top Schools final at a congested kilbride today Tuesday. The school has a big day on Friday with the official opening of their splendidly refurbished buildings and grounds. It is a really admirable complex now and we are really lucky, in the parish, to have got in under the bar before the meltdown.

2. The next campaign is the County Board/Club €100 Draw.

3. We'll get back to 2 anon. Now an appeal for help on Saturday evening.

Could anyone available to steward on Saturday evening call me (T.C.) at 086 816 33 99. Your Club needs you....... on Sat. evening.

I'll pass this on to Ml. Furey who is in charge of parking arrangements.

There are two 'big' games in Boyle on Saturday evening. Boyle v St. Michael's at 5.30 and Ballinameen v St. Barry's afterwards and there is an expectation of a lot of traffic. Many will want to park on the half way line!!

There will be no parking in the Church grounds due to the Saturday evening Mass.

Also people are reminded that the Abbey roadside has double yellow lines!!

We are asking local Boyle people, going to the match, to leave their transport well away from the ground....please...... say The Crescent/Hall area/Green St. car park/Military Road.

Perhaps St. Michael's suporters might use the area in the vicinty of the Boys School. Another posssible area is in front of Boyle Celtic grounds.

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